
Press | Harmen Meinsma

Awards and nominations
2024 Taylor Wessing Photo Prize
Selected as one of the exhibitors for the annual Taylor Wessing Photo Prize at the National Portrait Gallery in London.
2024 Head On Portrait Award
Selected as one of the finalists for the annual Head On Portrait Award and included in the group exhibition at the Bondi Pavilion Gallery in Sydney.
2022 PhotoVogue Fashion 100

Selected by Vogue Italia as one of 100 gifted artists in their Global Open Call: ‘The Next Great Fashion Image Makers.
2020 LensCulture Street Photography Awards
Selected as one of the finalists for the annual LensCulture Street Photography Awards.
2020 SO Award
Selected as one of the finalists for the annual SO Award.

Selected Commissions
Book publication of Spectrum by Haroon Ali, including all twenty portraits of LGBTQIA+ individuals – Bezige Bij (in-print)
2022 Photo series to accompany an essay by writer Maurits de Bruijn about men wearing feminine clothing – Volkskrant Magazine (in-print)
2022 The Amsterdam Rainbow Dress Foundation
2021-2022 Spectrum, portraits of LGBTQIA+ individuals (twenty episodes) – Volkskrant (in-print)
2021 Coverstory starring Minister Hugo de Jonge – Volkskrant Magazine (in-print)
2019 Celebrity Impersonators – &C magazine (in-print)
2019 Laatbloeiers – &C magazine (in-print)

Selected Press
It’s a sitter! Taylor Wessing Photo Portrait Prize winners – The Guardian
Head On Portrait Prize 2024 – The Guardian
PhotoVogue è la community che sta cambiando la fotografia di moda – Vogue Italia (in-print)
Foto’s van flamboyante jonge performers op Curaçao – VICE Nederland
2021 Fotografii cu lumea extravagantă a clubberilor queer din Rotterdam – VICE Rômania
2021 Foto’s die bewijzen dat de club veel meer is dan een besmettingshaard – VICE Nederland
2021 Nachtvlinders in al hun extravagantie – NRC (in-print)
2021 Je bent nog altijd jong en je wilt wat – De Standaard (in-print)
2021 Geobsedeerd door eeuwige jeugd – FD Persoonlijk (in-print)
2020 POSE! Harmen Meinsma Capturing a new generation of Rotterdam icons – Worm Rotterdam (in-print)
2020 Glamour op de camping in Hoek van Holland: ‘Hier is geluk nog heel gewoon’ – RTV Rijnmond
2020 Harmen Meinsma, la vita è un gioco SuperPop. Con un’aria da commedia americana – Italian Factory Magazine
2019 Tommy Walton – Coeval Magazine
2019 Dit rotterdamse draghouse is van plan de wereld te bestormen – i-D
2018 Talent in beeld – CJP magazine (in-print)
2017 Hollandse Beelden (in-print)
2017 Upcoming talent – Kiekie krant (in-print)
2017 Glamour op de camping van Hoek van Holland – AD
2017 Je bent nooit te oud om in een designerjurk een boom te beklimmen – i-D

Zij heeft schijt aan alles om zich heen, dat vind ik schoonheid – NRC Magazine (in-print)
2021 POSE! – RTV Rijnmond
2021 Nooit Meer Slapen – VPRO
2021 Vriendschap tussen fotograaf (29) en muze (80): ‘We halen samen allerlei gekke capriolen uit’ – AD
2019 Professionele dramaqueen harmen meinsma wil iedereen beroemd maken – i-D


Projects | Harmen Meinsma

Projects | Harmen Meinsma
For the first twenty years of his life, Harmen Meinsma lived with his grandmother in a small village in Friesland. During his teens, he felt like an outcast. His photography grew to be a positive space, where he could be himself. What started as building small decors in his grandma’s attic – where he photographed himself and friends – grew into a wider determination to put the underdog on a pedestal.
Harmen is inspired by the people he comes across in real life. He amplifies what intrigues him through his lens. “In my work, I direct the spotlight to outcasts and the birds of paradise in this world and I turn them into icons.”
Harmen Meinsma received his BA (Hons) degree from the Willem de Kooning academy in 2017, specializing in fine art photography. Since then, he is working on vibrant personal and commissioned projects. Harmen his work has been exhibited in New York during Photoville and as of recently in the Kunsthal Rotterdam. Besides that, his images have been featured in magazines such as &C, FD Persoonlijk, Nouveau, and Vogue NL.
For the first twenty years of his life, Harmen Meinsma lived with his grandmother in a small village in Friesland. During his teens, he felt like an outcast. His photography grew to be a positive space, where he could be himself. What started as building small decors in his grandma’s attic – where he photographed himself and friends – grew into a wider determination to put the underdog on a pedestal.
Harmen is inspired by the people he comes across in real life. He amplifies what intrigues him through his lens. “In my work, I direct the spotlight to outcasts and the birds of paradise in this world and I turn them into icons.”
Harmen Meinsma received his BA (Hons) degree from the Willem de Kooning academy in 2017, specializing in fine art photography. Since then, he is working on vibrant personal and commissioned projects. Harmen his work has been exhibited in New York during Photoville and as of recently in the Kunsthal Rotterdam. Besides that, his images have been featured in magazines such as &C, FD Persoonlijk, Nouveau, and Vogue NL.